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Release Date - 14 July 2024

Title: Woodland Fairies - The Magic Sceptre (print version)

Series: Magical Tales from Fairyland

Publication Date: 14 July 2024

ISBN: 978-1-7398003-2-1

Synopsis: The Magic Sceptre of the Woodland Fairies was destroyed in a premature ritual to heal his mother. Now Ardeen and his friend, Firth, have to embark on a journey to the Magic Rowan tree to collect its twigs for a new Magic Sceptre. Read more…


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Title: Wiesenfeen - Es wachsen Flügel (gedruckte Fassung)

Series: Zauberhafte Geschichten aus dem Feenland

Publication Date: Dec. 2023

ISBN: 978-1-7398003-1-4

Synopsis: Die kleine Wiesenfee, Sternenblume, begibt sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise, um den König der Hochlandfeen zu finden, denn nur er kann das dringend benötigte Elixier brauen, das ihrer besten Freundin, Sonnentropfen, helfen kann ihre erheblich verletzten Flügel zu heilen. Mehr lesen…

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New Edition

Title: Meadow Fairies - Growing Wings (Print version)

Series: Magical Tales from Fairyland

Publication Date: Oct. 2023

ISBN: 978-1-7398003-0-7

Synopsis: The little Meadow Fairy, Starflower, embarks on an adventurous journey to find the King of the Highland Fairies, as only he can brew the urgently needed elixir that will help her best friend, Sundrop, to regrow her severely damaged wings. Read more…


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Title: Meadow Fairies - Growing Wings (Print version)

Series: Magical Tales from Fairyland

Publication Date: Dec. 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7398003-8-3

Synopsis: The little Meadow Fairy, Starflower, embarks on an adventurous journey to find the King of the Highland Fairies, as only he can brew the urgently needed elixir that will help her best friend, Sundrop, to regrow her severely damaged wings. Read more…


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Title: Meadow Fairies - Growing Wings (ebook)

Series: Magical Tales from Fairyland

Publication Date: Sept. 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7398003-6-9

Synopsis: The little Meadow Fairy, Starflower, embarks on an adventurous journey to find the King of the Highland Fairies, as only he can brew the urgently needed elixir that will help her best friend, Sundrop, to regrow her severely damaged wings. Read more…