Fury’s Flames



This one is hot of the press! ‘Fury’s Flames’ in the series ‘ Elements Guardians’ by Lion Tales was only published last Friday, 12 January 2024, and I was invited to be part of the ARC (advanced read copy) team.


‘Fury’s Flames’ is a children’s book of 24 pages. On Amazon it is listed to have 32 pages, but that is because it contains additional information about Lion Tales, the series overall and a colouring template.

The story is about the creature Blaze, who looks like a mix between a dog and a lion and lives on Fire World. Blaze is a Fury, whose job it is to assist the intelligent Fireborns in guarding and protecting the planet. However, the king is planning a new structure, Wealthy Rock, which is supposed to ensure the prosperity of the fire planet, but does require the relocation of some smaller, less significant creatures, or so the king thinks. Blaze, however, can connect to the planets and the creatures and stops his fellow Fury’s from capturing those creatures. Eventually they and the king understand that even the smallest of creatures is important and shouldn’t be treated in this way and jointly they find a new solution that benefits all.


This is a short and sweet read and well suited to 5-8 year old children as recommended by the author. It addresses some very important environment and social topics, without going into too much detail and the setting on a different planet removes these quite tricky topics a bit from our reality, although clear parallels can be drawn. The illustrations are very vibrant and could be potentially overwhelming to a sensitive reader. The colouring sheet at the end is a lovely touch.

Lion Tales dares to address challenging topics, but does so in a sensitive manner. Personally, I think there could’ve been more ‘showing’ than ‘telling’ in the way the story is written, and the complexity of the themes may benefit from a more elaborate approach, but given the young target audience it’s probably all they need to know. There are three more books available in this series. I might just go and check those out as well.

The opinions expressed above are purely my own.

About Lion Tales:

More about Lion Tales and the other books in the series can be found on their website here.

If you’re interested in reading ‘Fury’s Flames’ for yourself, it’s available on Amazon. It’s currently available for free with kindle unlimited!


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